Spanish Practices

Day 75 - "Property Nightmares!"



Today how we lost a cool £49,000 to a Spanish bank, that we will never see again.  Property nightmares and how to avoid them, here in Spain. Find out more: Disclaimer, we do NOT receive any remuneration from advertising, the views expressed our our own and not others.   Day 75 - Property Nightmares   Friday, Day 75 phase 1 and the blind men are still here, it is confirmed that we will be in Phase 2 by Monday, I we are still a little confused as to what extra benefit there is, we believe that more shops with a bigger floor space can open, but neither of us is absolutely sure.   Martin Myall the Editor of the Seaside Gazette makes a good point about yesterday’s drop in old people claiming their pensions. Normally new pensioners pop off to an office to sign up for their new pension, but at the moment this has to be done online, and as many Spanish pensioners are not internet savvy, they haven’t claimed their pensions yet.   A quite depressing sight greeted us on Facebook yesterday.