Spanish Practices

Day 83 - "Hey Ya!"



Bad news is good news for us find out why in this episode, also a reflection on the last few months as Andalusia moves into phase three of the Alarma. Find out more: Day 83 Hey Ya! (uncorrected transcript) Saturday, your Sunday and I thought I would take a few moments to reflect, the new normal is becoming normal and throughout the world the death toll from this virus continues to rise, but we are all getting used to it.   I wonder if it was like that during the world war.  To begin with everyone was in a state of hysteria worries about bombs dropping on their house, a few years in people become blasé about the whole situation.   “Ere our Tony did you hear that your Aunty Doreen copped it last night, ruddy great Doodlebug fell on her house.”   “Oh, our Ethel that’s terrible, now what’s for tea me love?”   I don’t like wearing a mask, but I am kinda getting used to it.  I know surgical masks are in short supply in the UK and the Government have asked you to make your own, rather