Get Off My Podcast - The Harrison Ford Podcast

Get Off Harrison, Alec Baldwin! GOMP #49



Hey, Hollywood! Harrison is ready to work. Filming for Indy doesn't start until December so let's fit in a Harrison role. We will talk about that and all the latest Harrison Ford Universe happenings. Including things like: Alec Baldwin has a personal feud with Harrison. A review of Mark Hamill as Old Han Solo in Bad Lip Reading. Harrison on SNL in October? Mutt is getting into more trouble. Harrison comes to Phoenix for Ali. Trent saw the best version of Blade Runner in the theater. Updates on Indiana Jones 5 and making another challenge to David Koepp. Updates on Blade Runner 2049. We make guess on what news Disney will be dropping for Star Wars: The Last Jedi. This and more HFU podcast shenanigans! Thanks for listening: Click: GetOffMyPodcastPlaneAlec.mp3 24.6MB | 53:46 | Fowl Language SHOW LINKS Music by Night Stop, song called “Harrison Ford”. Subscribe in iTunes! Show is hosted by Mike and Trent. Contact us: Website: Check out other things that Mike