Young Money With Tracey Bissett

EP202 Revenge Spending 101



Have you heard about "revenge spending"? This term was created to describe the frenzied spending that is taking place now that people are able to get out and spend their money again. This rush to spend typically follows an unprecedented event—such as the pandemic—as people seek to reclaim control and a sense of normalcy. So in this episode, I will be sharing the steps you can take to avoid revenge spending and become more financially confident. Listen in as I explain the importance of having an emergency fund and why so many people are not financially prepared if they were to suddenly lose their job. You will learn the importance of creating a budget to ensure you are not spending money you don’t have and why you shouldn’t base your spending on how others are spending. “Financial confidence is strongly related to financial well-being.” - Tracey Bissett This Week on Young Money: How to manage the revenge spending urge. What percentage of Canadians rank money as their greatest source of stress. How many peopl