Whoa Podcast About Horses Horsemanship

BHP Summit Recap



BHP Summit Recap The BHP Summit is in the books.  Organizers and participants called it very successful.  Ranae and I enjoyed the educational seminars, the teaching clinics, and the town of Durango.  The weather was near perfect and every participant we talked to had only good things to say. There were many excellent academic presentations.  One early morning elective even had us holding a horse's brain in the palm of our hands.  Learning how a horse learns from a scientific perspective was the focus of the BHP Summit. We made some new friends, Brian and Charlene Stephenson of East Point Horspice in Nebraska.  What began for them as a horse hospice has grown into a therapeutic riding center and horse retirement home.  We got a chance to talk with them and they are doing some wonderful work. Another person we had the opportunity to meet was Leticia Glen of Natural Horseman Saddles.  She sat down with me to talk about saddle fit and design. Film crews surrounded every presentation and we understand that videos