F Your Diet With Kimberly Weiss

Ep.7 Mary Ann Clements on taking care of ourselves + challenging learned beliefs.



Mary Ann Clements on taking care of ourselves + challenging learned beliefs. For more on this episode and the show notes head to KimberlyWeiss.com/podcast We talk about: self care being how we treat our bodies, how we move and what we eat How doing all the things actually makes us less effective. Thinking that existing in a larger body was a problem and how the idea that you could be comfortable taking up more space was not allowed and that weight loss was the way to be successful. Why we actually should be listening to 3 year olds to teach us how to eat. How restriction is often the opposite of what we want. We do these diets and programs that lead us to be less healthy, less happy and less nourished because we go against what our bodies feel they need. The idea of what is wrapped up in thinness how that comes before being intelligent. Our other successes become secondary to pursuing diet goals. It’s always “if i can lose weight then…” The boom and bust cycles of movement practices and what the alternative