Adventurefit Radio

Seth Shostak On The SETI Institute, Extraterrestrial Life & The Hunt For ET



Seth Shostak is an American astronomer, currently Senior Astronomer and Director, Center for SETI Research. Our convo starts with Seth sharing a little about how he got into science as a kid and SETI’s (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) history. We then learn more about the science of astronomy and the process of searching for extra-terrestrial life. A very exciting peek into the forefront of research and a glimpse of what lies ahead for us in this great episode! Enjoy. Show notes for this episode can be found at: This podcast is supported by Audible. Audible is home to the widest selection of digital audiobooks, including best-sellers, new releases, exclusives and much more. Listen anytime, anywhere on your tablet, mobile or desktop with our free app. Audible is offering listeners of AdventureFit Radio a free audiobook download with a free 30-day trial to give you the opportunity to check out their service. To download your free audiobook today go to audibletrial.