Harper Bliss & Her Mrs

#50: Harper's Characters Have Many Emotions



We’re back from our hiatus for our 50th episode. And it’s Thanksgiving, so happy turkey day to our US listeners! We start by discussing our first world problems, which include Christmas shopping and sore bums, as well as our holiday in London and Hong Kong. Plot twist on the book front: Harper got an idea for a new book while in Hong Kong. So instead of rewriting her Lez Law book, she’s working on an anti-Valentine’s Day book. Harper’s next book, Next in Line for Love, comes out in December, but we don’t know yet whether we’ll put it in Kindle Unlimited or not. You can let us know your preference at the email address below or in the comments.   Harper is giving away audio books in her Facebook group, join it here! Tune in again next week for a new episode of Harper Bliss & Her Mrs.   Get in touch with us with your questions, comments or suggested topics at harperblissandhermrs@gmail.com.  For more on Harper Bliss visit www.harperbliss.com