Prince Of Peace

Gifts of the Mountain (Natalia Terfa 3/3/19)



We’ve all had them, these mountaintop experiences. Moments where God has felt so close and so bright and so real. And when you’ve had that experience, it’s easy to want to stay there. To build tents and “dwell” as the disciples say in today’s Gospel. It’s easy to think of this transfiguration as a thing that can only happen on the mountaintop. But we have to come back down, to the valley, where life is. I once heard the phrase, “we don’t have to stay on the mountain, the mountain gives us gifts so that the mountain stays with us.” What does the mountain gift you today that you can bring with you? Scripture: 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2; Luke 9:28-36 Song: "Transfiguration" written by Aodhan King, et al.; performed by the Prince of Peace worship band