
Be Yourself. Be Courageous. Be Happy. : Oksana Davletshina



Oksana grew up in Russia and moved to Portland with her husband and three children in 2016. It was a big change in every aspect of their lives. In Russia she was a lawyer. Here, in America, she started her career again. She joined Russian Oregon Social Services as a Sexual Assault Advocate in 2017 and was promoted to the Program Manager position within a year. As an immigrant herself she is passionate about helping people from the Russian-speaking community to build new lives here. She wants them to feel safe in the US and learn how to embrace a new culture. URBAN TELLERS May 3, 2019 ALL THESE MOMENTS HAVE LED ME HERE Oksana Davletshina live at The Old Church Concert Hall in Portland, OR Portland Story Theater, hosted by Lawrence Howard and Lynne Duddy pdxstorytheater.org