Cloud Streaks

13. Discussing "Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds" - The New Yorker. Also mentioning Schulz, Lincoln



This chat was inspired by an artile from The New Yorker "Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds" - Key parts from the article for discussion: "Contrary to conventional wisdom we are not entirely rational beings, or, that we do not base our reasonings entirely on facts. Instead, according to researchers our decisions / beliefs are driven more a social construct in that our we geared toward collaborative rather than logical thinking." We also touch on: - “The ability to change your mind is a superpower.” Ray dalio - “If you want to be right all the time, go be an accountant. The rest of us — paleontologists, internet dating specialists, serial entrepreneurs (read: homeless millennials), policymakers, and scholars of Japanese religions — will just have to get used to being wrong. There’s a strange paradox about wrongness: We go about our lives feeling like we’re right, but — in reality — we spend most of our lives being wrong.” Charles Ch