Orion Books

The Future Is Asian by Parag Khanna, read by Nezar Alderazi



Click here to buy: https://adbl.co/2FPP3gT Five billion people, two-thirds of the world's mega-cities, one-third of the global economy, two-thirds of global economic growth, thirty of the Fortune 100, six of the ten largest banks, eight of the ten largest armies, five nuclear powers, massive technological innovation, the newest crop of top-ranked universities. Asia is also the world's most ethnically, linguistically and culturally diverse region of the planet, eluding any remotely meaningful generalization beyond the geographic label itself. Even for Asians, Asia is dizzying to navigate. Whether you gauge by demography, geography, economy or any other metric, Asia is already the present - and it is certainly the future. It is for this reason that we cannot afford to continue to get Asia so wrong. Our Asian Future accurately shows Asia from the inside-out, telling the story of how this mega-region is coming together and reshaping the entire planet in the process. (p) Orion Publishing Group 2019