San Dimas School Of Film

Apollosode Day 2: The Right Stuff (1983)



Mission report: Day two and it's a big one. Trans earth orbit before the burn to the moon has us watching The Right Stuff. It's a long one but worth the history lesson. Al and Tim talk more Apollo 11 Doco, the overuse of Chuck Yeager and all while smashing a bag of popcorn. (Be sure you go back and listen to Ep5, Moon (2009) for your homework tomorrow, give that and this ep 5 stars worth of failed launches) Email us at: Twitter: @Sdfspod Instagram: @Sandimasfilm Facebook: At SDSF, we acknowledge and are grateful to our first storytellers, the Wurrunjuri people of the Kulin nation, the traditional custodians of the land we are recording on.