San Dimas School Of Film

097 Billy Elliot (2000)



Podcasting sorta feels good. Sorta stiff and that, but once we get going... then we like, forget everything. And... sorta disappear. Sorta disappear. Like we feel a change in our whole body. And we've got this fire in our bodies. We'm just there. Flyin' like a bird. Like electricity. Yeah, like electricity. And what better way to feel that electricity than with the first episode of 2021, Tim's choice of Billy Elliot! If you have a moment please drop us a review, (Crossing the picket line for a 5 star review is nothing to be ashamed of) Email us at: Twitter: @Sdfspod Instagram: @Sandimasfilm Facebook: At SDSF, we acknowledge and are grateful to our first storytellers, the Wurrunjuri people of the Kulin nation, the traditional custodians of the unceded lands we are recording on.