

Get ready for the Summer Spin-In! Wash and card fiber, spin yarn, knit with handspun. It all starts Monday, May 25. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of our shop website:  Join the community on Ravelry or become a patron and support the show on our Patreon Page. Marsha’s Projects: I cast on Summer Fjord by Trin-Annelie using Quince & Co Sparrow in three colors. Kelly and our friend Janis both have yarn to cast this on, too. We got it last summer in the clearance bin at Tolt.  I’m working on foot of first Arne & Carlos sock. These ultra bright socks are for my brother, Mark. I recently picked up a Simple Shawl by Jane Hunter that I started March 2018! Using Michael’s CWD in San Francisco Fog, to put it back in the knitting rotation, but I haven’t made much progress since the last episode. This will probably stay on the back burner for awhile since I am swatching with Elemental Affects Cormo for the Holey Comfort cardigan by Hinterm Ste