

What's blooming, tomatoes, Frog and Toad, and lambs join in with the knitting content this week. It must be the start of Spring, or even Spring Break!  For full show notes with photos and links visit our website: If you’d like to become a patron and support the show financially, visit our Patreon page.  Transcripts at bottom of post. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Subscribe on Android or Subscribe on Google Podcasts Kelly’s Projects  The Iced Matcha Socks by Dots Dabbles have been restarted with a more appropriate yarn. The handspun I had originally planned was abandoned because I thought I would run out of yarn. So then I cast on with Bear Brand Caprice--a vintage sock weight wool yarn that is very stretchy. But it also had textured bits. So I found the pattern wasn’t showing up. So those will become my Not Matcha Socks! I’ll just continue them without any patterning. Even in plain stockinette these socks will be ultra-stretchy.  So what about the Matcha socks? I restarted them