What Got You There With Sean Delaney

#90 Cody Burkhart-NASA Project Manager, N=1 You Are The Experiment



Cody Burkhart is classically trained in both Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering from the University of Colorado at Boulder and works as a Robotics Design Engineer for (NASA). He has taken his passion for Engineering, Math, and Science and applied it to movement paradigms, biomechanical analysis, programming, and coaching of athletes. In this conversation Sean and Cody talk about what type of training and research NASA is doing to get their astronauts to be peak performers and how this can apply to your life. Cody also dives deep on topics such as mentorship, mastery and so much more in those thought provoking conversation! http://whatgotyouthere.com/   GlobeKick 10% off with discount code “WGYT” https://globekick.com/ 15% off Four Sigmatic with discount code "WGYT" http://foursigmatic.com/wgyt   https://powerspeedendurance.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/cody-burkhart-ab4b9238/ https://twitter.com/NerdReinvented https://www.instagram.com/nerdreinvented/   https://twitter.com/WhatGotYouThere https://www.ins