Girl On Purpose With Vivian Tenorio

003: Michelle Ivankovic & Adrienne McNicholas, Inventors of Food Huggers



Michelle Ivankovic is a Canadian living in Amsterdam, Netherlands.  She is an industrial designer who develops products that focus on sociological needs.  Her products are both popularly and critically acclaimed with work held in the permanent collection of the national design museum (Cooper Hewitt, a part of the Smithsonian). Adrienne McNicholas is an American & Canadian living in Madrid. Adrienne specializes in the development and launch of new products and new product categories.  She specializes in bring together a complete story that surrounds and supports the products. On Today's show Michelle & Adrienne will share: -What’s Your Personal Mission Statement? The journey is the reward -Biggest Business Mistake Rather than 1 giant mistake, I typically do every little thing wrong the first time I try it, then get it right the second.  -How Do You Handle Business Stress and Uncertainty It’s really important to build a network of other entrepreneurs to offer advice/complain about things with.  -Greates