Girl On Purpose With Vivian Tenorio

017: Karen Campbell, Founder of Waialua Soda Works



After working as a marketing manager for an engineering and environmental consulting firm in CA for nearly 10 years, Karen and her husband, Jason, moved to Hawaii to follow their dream of creating their own all natural, old-fashioned soda company with the flavors of the islands. Founded in 2003, Karen is the President of Waialua Soda Works and mother of two young budding entrepreneurs. On Today’s show Karen will share: -What’s Your Personal Mission Statement To live my life to the fullest by enjoying time with my family and friends and work on something that I am passionate about. - Biggest Business Mistake Hiring consultants who did not perform as expected – anyone you bring on should be held accountable to produce results or they don’t get paid. -How Do You Handle Business Stress and Uncertainty With my husband as my business partner, we are able to work together and solve issues when we encounter stressful or uncertain times. I always know he has my best interest at heart – we have the same goals for the c