Job Optional Podcast With Jenae Nicole

026: Dreaming is key to Business Success



You must have a dream to first to be able to see it become a reality. In today's show Jenae will share some personal struggle and how to stay focused in the midst of adversity. The reasons why you need to keep a clear focus on the dream and what is really important to have it become a success. Also, how Entrepreneurs deal with the blessing and curse of having the gift of Vision to see possibilities. "Discipline becomes dormant in the absence of a dream" Rory Vaden Can't walk where you can't see and being an Entrepreneur is Hard. Not wanting to work for somebody else is not a good reason to start a business because ultimately your customer is your new "Boss".   Thee dream must be top of mind or priority otherwise we loose clarity and focus which leads to the dreaded shiny ball syndrome. As they say you can't chase two rabbits... well you can but not to any success.    Hope  deferred Makes the heart sick but when the desire comes it is the tree of life. Prov. 13   Mentions Gary vee