Job Optional Podcast With Jenae Nicole

029: The Feast and Famine of Entrepreneurship



Being young and idealistic can make you shoot for the moon, without even a dirty mattress to catch you. At least that's my story of early failure or as we tried and true Entrepreneurs say... lessons. There are no failures only a lesson on what not to do the next time! On today's show I share how a false sense of security shook me in my 1st attempt at launching a Business. How using your Side Hustle as a Launching Pad to financially support you in the early transition. Never begrudge small beginnings in business or life. Don’t let somebody else's journey make you try to follow suit. Their journey is theirs you have your own path to follow. Mentions: Dale Partridge podcast Startup Camp : How to grow an online business with Amy Porterfield @jjenaeni or @jobopt Twitter Job Optional Podcast page Facebook