Mohamed Ghilan

Ep 89. Mistakes Were Made (but not by me)



Alhamdulillah, we’re now moving into our fifth year at Al-Andalus Book Club and with that comes our fifth booklist. My tongue is incapable of expressing how grateful I am for this blessing; the conversations we’ve had and the ideas we’ve been able to develop over the years with each book we read.   2020 was a strange year. It was one that forced us back to fundamentals. Our relationships with God, ourselves, family and the world around us. One of the themes that dominated the past year was the nature of science and what expertise (if any) is required to discuss (with authority) an opinion in relation to science. What is science? How do we attain knowledge? Can we agree on any scientific fundamentals for discussion on which we can build knowledge and understanding? Intersecting with that we’ve seen discussions on God, reason and whether we can have science and religion speak to each other on these topics rather than as mutually exclusive areas of knowledge and practice.   It seemed fortuitous that one of