Hello Creatives!

Collages, Creativity, and Chihuly: Interview with the Prolific Artist, Bruce Helander



Bruce Helander is arguably one of the most recognizable collage artists today.  Bruce’s work can be found in over fifty museums collections throughout the country and in addition to being a premier collage artist, he is an art critic, curator and arts writer. His writing can be found in Art in America, ARTnews, The Washington Post, Huffington Post and of course, we would be remiss without mentioning that he also has been an active contributing writer for Art Hive Magazine since 2013. We sat down with Bruce about growing up with Dale Chihuly, curating shows with Robert Rauschenberg and overcoming adversity. For more info on Bruce, what exhibitions he has coming up and where Bruce will be speaking next on his book: Chihuly: An Artist Collects please visit: brucehelander.com You can find Bruce’s most recent article in Art Hive Magazine issue #27 on photographer Shalini Nopany https://issuu.com/arthivemagazine/docs/fall27issuu/20