Survival Dad Podcast With Buck Rizvi

003 – James Schramko: The Ultimate Defense Against Income Disaster



Today's episode features valuable information for anyone interested in starting their own business to secure their family's financial situation. Buck speaks with James Schramko, a successful entrepreneur and the founder of several businesses, including, about how and why James chose to transition from his successful day job into business ownership. James explains the importance of having multiple income streams, and he tells us how to find the courage to venture into entrepreneurship. He explains why we need to be honest with ourselves about our strengths and weaknesses, and why we have to set goals and stay on-track. Which platform should you use for your online business? Should you take on all the work yourself from the start, or is it feasible to outsource some tasks? Why does James keep talking about trains, and what exactly are "ninja-pinos?" Continue on with the podcast or see the transcript at the SurvivalDad website to find out.