Jon Rognerud Podcast

7 Ways To Protect And Repair Your Online Reputation - #079



Warren Buffet says, "It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you will do things differently." As you can understand, your online reputation is a very fragile thing to deal with. The good news is that as long as you maintain a level of common sense, you should be able to do it fairly easily. However, it's essential to start and monitor the progress, starting today! Note: For more complex reputation cases, it will take many months and sometimes years. Here Are Top Ways To Begin To Fix Your Reputation and Manage It For The Future: 1. Authority. 2. Have A Plan Before Fixing It. 3. Be Quick To Apologize To Customer Complaints. 4. Control The Conversation. 5. Understand The Complaints You Receive. 6. Limit Potential Surprises. 7. Use Testimonials. -- Interested in getting personally coached by Jon to develop traffic, leads and sales? ➡️ Click here: If you l