Jon Rognerud Podcast

How To Write A Twitter Bio That Stands Apart - #083



We see solid searches and traffic for posts on creating twitter bios. While Twitter traffic has seen a decline, it can work well for those who invest in it. Clearly, the current President of the United States is a happy 'client' :-) Today, I wanted to share best practices for creating killer Twitter profiles/bios that engages and show uniqueness in the market. Here are 5 ways to create a solid bio in Twitter: 1 – Be Original 2 – Be Direct 3 – Be Witty (But Only If You’re Witty) 4 – Don’t Sell 5 – Be Genuine If you need help or assistance reach out at We run ads, build content and help build sales funnels through search, social and paid ads. P.S. Remember: Consistency of your graphics brand and messages. If you build it out for Twitter, don't create a different message on LinkedIn and with a different graphic header, etc.  Stay within the same guidelines across all platforms.