Beyond Good Intentions With Kristen Duke

#074 Preserve the Relationship



This phrase, "preserve the relationship" has been stuck in my mind for about a year, and I've been chatting about it here and there on Instagram at @kristendukechats, but after a comment from a member in our community last week, it really got me thinking, and I knew I needed to dedicate an episode all about this as we begin this journey to strengthen our teens. What does the word PRESERVE mean to you? In this episode, I talk about PRESERVING, and how it's a HOPEFUL message in parenting! I share about my search for similar meanings and how I came to a better understanding of what I can do in my parenting to preserve it not just for now, but for later as well. Please listen and share if you know others that would benefit from this discussion. Then join us on Instagram to further chat this week.  If you want to see what our family loves in our AMAZON store, that's another way you can support this podcast.