Breaking Through Walls With Carrie Cardozo

BTW 006: The 4-Letter F Word...Fear



Remember laying in your bed as a kid and wondering what was lurking in the shadows? While the “monster” has changed shape, we’ve all been confronted with that same feeling at different points in our lives. In Episode 6, we talk about the most explicit 4-letter word in the dictionary, and the power it has at holding us back from building the lives and businesses we truly want and deserve. The word of the day is FEAR and in this episode, Kevin and Carrie discuss the different ways it eats away at our true potential, and the steps we can take to move forward successfully. WE NEED YOUR HELP! If you’re liking what you’re hearing from us, spread the word. Tell your friends, family...even your enemies. But also subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher, and write us a quick review. This is what will allow us to rise above the noise and get in the ears of more people who feel the same. Thank you for your support! And special thanks to Pete Yorn for graciously allowing us to use his song “Life on a Chain” as our intro and outro