Breaking Through Walls With Carrie Cardozo

BTW 008: Stop Waiting, Start Winning



There are things you WANT to do and there are things you NEED to do in life in order to move forward. Knowing what to do when and getting things done is important to continue learning, growing and expanding your business. So why do so many people fail to get things done? Why do people keep putting things off over and over again, and how can you stop the cycle of procrastination and lack of action? Taking action in your life can be the determining factor of how much you grow or how little your life changes. Episode 8 takes you into the psychology of why people fail to take action and what you can implement in order to break free from the pattern of non-action and build the business and life you know you deserve. WE NEED YOUR HELP! If you’re liking what you’re hearing from us, help spread the word. Tell your friends, family...even your enemies. But also subscribe in iTunes, Stitcher or Google Play and write us a quick review. This is what will help us rise above the noise and get in the ears of more people who