Breaking Through Walls With Carrie Cardozo

BTW 012: Letting Go of the Past and Living in the Now



The past can be one of the best sources of learning we have, but living in the past can be the biggest wall to your future life. So often people talk about keeping their past experiences fresh so that they don’t keep making the same mistakes. And while remembering your history is important, it’s not meant to hold you back from moving forward in business and life. Letting go of the past is never easy, especially when there are actions and events you wish you could change, but the best gift you can give yourself is to readjust your thinking and work towards living in the NOW. Until that happens, you will continue limiting your potential and ability to grow. WE NEED YOUR HELP! If you’re liking what you’re hearing from us, help spread the word. Tell your friends, family...even your enemies. But also subscribe in iTunes, Stitcher or Google Play and write us a quick review. This is what will help us rise above the noise and get in the ears of more people who need our help. Thanks for your support! Special thanks to