Breaking Through Walls With Carrie Cardozo

BTW 024 - Can you hear that? It's your intuition talking!



Everybody has experienced it before, that gut feeling you get when you know something to be the case, without having a stick of logic to back it up. The feeling that you know the answer to a very meaningful question when you haven’t even given it much thought, or that over powering feeling that you need to be doing something else with your life. Your intuition is talking to you all day long, guiding you, directing you, and leading you down the path to your highest good. But are you truly listening? Are you hearing what it’s saying, or are you trying to quiet it to listen to everything else instead? When you’re able to tap into your intuition you begin to open a whole new word and a while new way of creating the life you want for yourself. Your intuition is always with you. It’s been there since before you were born, and in Episode 24 we take a deeper look at what it is, how you can recognize it, and how you can begin to use your intuition in your everyday life. We cover many different ways that you can learn