Breaking Through Walls With Carrie Cardozo

BTW 028 - The Dynamic Creation of Who You Are - Part 1



Who you are, who you become and what you are able to accomplish depends a lot on your traits and your characteristics. Are you assertive? Are you passive? Are you an over thinker or someone who follows the lead of others? Each of us have very unique traits that we have developed over time as we interacted with our family, friends and society as a whole. All of these characteristics and traits have a unique energetic signature on them. That imprint can be masculine or famine in nature depending on the trait. What's important to understand is that there needs to be a balance of both in everyone's life. In this episode, part 1 of a three part series, I take you through the process of understanding what these traits are and how they impact your life. We start with masculine energies and look at what they are and how they present themselves and affect your life. Too much of a masculine energy can cause intimidation, hardship in relationships and always forcing things to happen. It can also cause wars and dominatio