Breaking Through Walls With Carrie Cardozo

BTW 034 - Your Struggles Are Always Blessings in Disguise



Looking back on my life I can finally say that I am truly grateful for everything that has happened to me.  If you know me, and you know my life, you know that's a HUGE statement to make. But being grateful for it is not the same as wanting to relive it, and it's certainly not saying that I enjoyed all of them. What it is saying is that I have been able to find the lesson in my situations and I have embraced that lesson and allowed it to transform my life. I have found the gift it has left for me, and for that gift I am eternally grateful. Every single situation you face in life is meant to teach you something you need to know, something you intended to learn in this life. It doesn't matter if it's something small you are struggling with, or a life altering event. Each one will help you to grow, help you to change, and allow you to keep moving forward in life. They each allow you to be more present, more connected to the true essence of who you are, and to live the life you were meant to. Episode 34 is going