Breaking Through Walls With Carrie Cardozo

BTW 036 - Get Ready To Expand Your Impact with Sarah Ann Negus, The Modern Day Shaman



You want to make an impact in your life whether it's on yourself, your friends, your family, your kids or your clients. You might even want to make a bigger impact and have it reach out to hundreds of people. No matter what the level you're aiming to reach the one way you are going to get there is by exploring who you are and what your potential is.  In Episode 36 - Get Ready To Expand Your Impact, Sarah Ann Negus, The Modern Day Shaman and Spiritual Teacher and Mentor takes us deep into the understanding of exactly how we can do that. How we can step into the role we are destined to live in this life and to come fully into WHO we really are. Sarah believes that this starts with her and you, and together we can bring true, lasting change for our lives and the world. Change towards kindness, compassion, acceptance, integrity and recognition that we are all in this together… and… individually we can make a difference by being who we came here to be. Listen as Sarah takes us along on her own personal healing jou