Angel Two: A Feminist Star Trek Podcast

The Majestic MBR



Firstly, our most sincere apologies for the delays in getting this episode out; hopefully it will be worth the wait! Also, the audio quality might not quite be up to par - this is probably related to the problems we had with the actual recording. Anyway, it's not like I produce NPR-quality podcasts, what do you want from me???   In this episode, we pay tribute to the fabulous and wonderful Majel Barrett Roddenberry. If you're unfamiliar with her place in Trek history, are you sure you've go the right podcast? If you don't know her, go watch her episodes, we'll wait.   Caught up? Ain't she just BRILLIANT? Hashtag life goals. Lwaxana, at least, if not MBR herself. We also talk movie trailers and the new TV show, but that got abruptly cut off. C'est la vie.