The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

6: Networking That Works



Dale Carnegie Training Japan: How big is your database of contacts? How many business cards have you collected and filed? How many people do you know? Turns out these are all rather pointless questions!The best questions are: how many people know you and how many care?Networking throws up images of attending events, exchanging contact details and handing over meishi.This is basically a push model, where you push your details out to others in the hope that it will lead to business. But what is missing?The care factor. Yes, they have your beautifully designed and carefully crafted message-laden card, but do they care?What happened during your initial interaction that would create or increase the care factor?I go to the occasional event here in Tokyo and, like many others, belong to chambers of commerce and study groups. Sometimes I look at my diary and wonder whether I should remove the word “president” from my business card and replace it with “professional event attendee”.I am a