Minister's Toolbox

EP 48: Are You Stuck Chasing The Next Shiny New Thing?



Numerical growth is one gauge people use to determine the effectiveness of any ministry. It is a legitimate gauge, providing we are talking about actually reaching lost people. Throughout the United States and other parts of the world, growth tends to be cosmetic. Only about 5% is due to new converts. Without realizing it pastors can unwittingly become the ringmasters of a circus. Our time is spent trying to keep the crowd happy by the next trapeze or clown act, not realizing that much of the effort is fruitless. Pastors burn out and waste a lot of church resources trying to keep the excitement level up, but is that what Jesus honestly asked us to do with our ministries? Last time I checked, there was something there about making disciples, but I could be wrong. There are dangers in striving to make our church the biggest, the best and the greatest. During the podcast, I share about how to keep things real. We mentioned MileIQ on the show today. Here is the link if you would like to try the free app.  You can