The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

61: Stop Destroying Your Business



Dale Carnegie Training Japan: Stop Destroying Your Business Leadership “cancer “is quietly killing the organisation Careers are cut off at the knees and businesses destroyed when people problems are allowed to fester.  Getting the people part right is not just fundamental, it is critical in any business.  Ironically, we are all taught to believe that “hard skills” - our technical expertise - is the main requirement for success.  The reality is that if the people skills part is not working well, no amount of technical expertise will compensate for the damage being done to the business.  Poor, mediocre or uninspiring leadership is easy to spot.  However, there are other types of problematic leadership which are not so immediately obvious, but which must be fixed.  Smart, capable people get promoted and are given responsibility for others.  This is usually because they have demonstrated a mastery of the “hard skills” areas of the business.  The challenging part is that often these