The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

62: Middle Management Madness



Dale Carnegie Training Japan: Middle Management Madness Why 70/20/10 Doesn’t Work in Japan Senior leaders must work through people and the key leverage group are Middle Managers.  Doing more, faster, better with less, screams out for delegation.  Putting aside the issue of basic delegation nous on the part of the leaders, the capability of the delegatees to pick up the shield and spear, makes or breaks organisations.  Middle Managers are the corporate glue.  Market and system noise are filtered, sorted, nuanced and passed up to senior leaders.  They must also amplify the key direction and messages to everyone below.  Well, in theory this is the case - what about the practice?  Middle Managers in Japan are tutored by their sempai – their seniors.  The seniors themselves were similarly tutored.  Looking at the postwar period there are distinct periods of managerial mis-development.  The military officers returning from the war came back to a devastated economy and were placed in