
Sinopsis   Distress Less   It is no shock and awe surprise that most of us spend more time working than we do on any other activity.  As the pressure to do more, faster, better with less continues to mount the work day just dominates our lives.  Life is becoming more and more hectic, as we all switch to a 24/7 lifestyle, thanks to Blackberrys, i-Pads, smart phones, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.  As a consequence stress levels seem to be constantly rising.  If we don’t want to have major health problems, we must find simple ways to reduce stress at our workplace.   Here are some working habits that we can adopt to minimize worry, fatigue and potential ill health:   1. Clear your desk of all papers except those relating to the immediate problem at hand. The reason we have all that paper around us is we are filing it on our desk.  TRAF it instead.   Toss it away.  Whenever I look in my physical files, I always notice that there is a lot of paper which I never look at and never need.  At th