The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

77: How To Destroy Our Reputation In One Minute



How To Destroy Our Reputation In One Minute   It is a big crowd, yet the conversation suddenly dies and a hushed silence now sweeps through the room.  All eyes are fixed forward, as the MC tears at the envelope and announces the award winner.  Polite applause fills the air as the proud selectee stands up, glances around smiling and navigates between the maze of tables and chairs up to the podium.  Receiving the prize, obediently posing for the photographer, our winner turns and begins to move gingerly towards the mike.  Facing everyone, personal and organisational brands now begin to disintegrate.    They have that deer-in-the-headlights glazed look in the eye, as they contemplate a packed room full of searching, quizzical faces.  Their throat suddenly seems Sahara parched, words struggle to get out, both legs feel weak, and the mind is a whiteout.    What does come out of their mouths are pathetic Ums and Ahs.  There are particularly strained and embarrassing silences as they obviously struggle, thinking w