The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

81: How to Give Praise That Resonates



How To Give Praise That Resonates Cynical, skeptical, doubtful, cautious, suspicious, worried – yep, that is our usual reaction when we hear praise being directed toward us.  You're the boss, you have read about the power of praising staff, however it never quite seems to work the way it should.  You recognize and praise outstanding work by your Japanese staff to the whole work group, but nobody looks very happy about it, especially the praised. Why is this so hard?   Japan throws up a few additional challenges when it comes to praising people.  We all know about Japan’s strong group culture, the preference here for consensus decision-making and the submersion of individual preferences to the bias of the group.  One of the by-products of this groupthink, is that the boss singling out one person publically for praise, creates issues within the group dynamic.    The majority of the group are probably OK with the praise, but there are bound to be those who feel unhappy.  They think they should have been recogni