The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

86: Mysterious Millennials



Mysterious Millennials   Japan is entering a scary world of work.  The tried and true assimilation methods of the past, for injecting youth talent into firms, are starting to falter.  Every generation feels a gap with its successor, but the size of the impending chasm in Japan is generating fresh challenges.    The bankruptcy of Yamaichi Securities in 1997 put loyal staff on the street.  This was a postwar watershed in the company-staff contract.  Shocking at the time, it was followed by something much worse - the Lehman Shock starting in 2008.  The expected compact of lifetime employment security, in return for total devotion, was now revealed to be a mirage.    Millennials, defined as those becoming adults around 2000, are the first generation to collide with two major trends: being fired when your company “right sizes” and a youth population decline.  The end of the old order has created skepticism among young people about the relevancy of their parent’s experiences to their own employment reality.  The