The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

91: How To Command Unruly, Alchohol Fueled Crowds



How To Command Unruly, Alcohol Fueled Crowds   The Master of Ceremony (MC) goes to the microphone to get the programme underway but the audience are simply oblivious, caught up in their own riveting conversations.  The situation is much worse at receptions where alcohol is already flowing and the people down the back are generating a roar, a positive din, that drowns out the speakers.  Apart from bona fide members of Imperial Families, everyone is fair game in the “let’s ignore the speaker” stakes.  Cabinet Ministers, eminent speakers, famous personalities all struggle to get the attention of the crowd.  When it is our turn, what can we humble beings do about this?   Here are some ideas that will shut down the noisy rabble and provide a proper platform for the speaker to be heard.    Make sure to turn off the background music well before you are ready to start.  Surprisingly, this is often forgotten by the organisers.  Speakers should not try to compete with irritating white noise in the background, so check