The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

95: Modern Sports Coaching For Business Leaders



Modern Sports Coaching For Business Leaders   The classic half-time locker room Churchillian oratory from the coach, whipping the team into a frenzy for the coming onslaught is now gathering dust in Hollywood’s archives.  Today’s most successful coaches are masters of human psychology, combining insight with superb communication skills.  What about leaders in business?  Conferences, off-sites, retreats are supplying substantial income for sports coaches, as they induct business folk into the mysteries of motivation.  Everyone heads back to work feeling fired up, but they often fail to adopt what they have been told, because they were not clear on how to do it.    I originally came to Japan in 1979 to study karate, have competed internationally and have been a national coach for Australia representing my country.  In my experience, the Japanese model of sports leadership is antiquated, excelling in only one area - “gaman” (perseverance).  The Japanese really know how to gaman.  They do love technology, so lot