The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

101: Japan Is A Marathon Not A Sprint



Japan Is A Marathon Not A Sprint   There are specific work rhythms for Japan.  Spring is hopeless because of kafunsho (allergies) killing our concentration.  May is no good because of gogatusbyo (May miasma). Everyone is adjusting to the start of the new financial year in April and many are struggling with their new environments and situations.    Also, after the Golden Week break, people are exhausted from the crowded travel and from all the family activities which take place during that time. Summer is also bad because the heat makes us feel drowsy (natsubate).    Of course we also have tsuyubyo or summer sickness thanks to the endless rain, high humidity and associated joint pain. The Obon season is no better because you have to travel back to your hometown to worship at the ancestor’s grave and the roads are clogged and the railways packed.  Recently, we have added a new one - akibate or Autumn drowsiness - to our woes.  Those long dark days of winter are seriously depressing and the bitter cold seeps i