

Romancing Japan   Japan’s ignominious end is being triggered by a lack of romance.  This retarded romantic environment is whittling away vital procreation efforts, which in turn is creating shortages of corporate fodder for the captains of industry.  The end of the world is nigh.  Well that is what is being served up to us, following the Cabinet Office’s June release of statistics, which show nearly 40% of 20s and 30s singles, the prime marriage target group, are not wanting a romantic partner.  Relationships are bothersome, according to 46.2% of those singles surveyed.  Who knew?   Drivers for this end of epoch trend are long work hours for the young, insufficient leisure time, 70% of women quitting work to have babies and not returning to the workforce and less face time because we have screen time instead.  The surge in part-time workers, means young guys not in the mainstream are the working poor.  As young women say they will only marry someone with income of over JPY5 million a year, that is a bit of a