Saga Thing

Episode 19c - The Saga of the People of Reykjadal and Killer-Skuta (Judgments)



In this fun-filled episode, John and Andy offer their judgments on The Saga of the People of Reykjadal and Killer-Skuta.  Listen and learn how a leather thong can really improve your spear-throwing distance.  It’s true.  You’ll also learn about the wonders of hearth bread with butter and be introduced to the BCDM, our newest method for calculating a saga’s body count.  It’s an action packed episode with plenty of laughs and some good discussion of history and literature.  Those of you who prefer a steady flow of action and laughs will have to forgive us for our scholarly tangents, but those with a genuine interest in saga literature will get what they came here for. For those interested in the ankyle, we recommend the following: “Throwing the Greek Dory: How Effective is the Attached Ankyle at Increasing the Distance of the Throw” There are a number of videos featuring the use of the ankyle/amentum.  We’ve selected the following two as the most reasonable illustrations of the tool. Ankyle for d