Script Vs Screen

Ep. 38 - s04e01 - Preacher



We have returned from our hiatus to start season 4 with an incredible show with AMC's Preacher. This comic book adaptation has been in the works since the mid-1990's. Fans of the story and comics Seth Rogan and Evan Goldberg finally bring this to the screen and the adaptation is different from the source material giving it a fresh essence that has Garth Ennis' blessing. The show is a campy, fun and close adaptation of the comic book. There are a few moments of action, which makes the show seem slow, and at times it was hard to have empathy for Jesse Custer - many of his sermons delivered seemed dry and without any sort of conviction or zeal. It was hard to believe Dominic Cooper in those moments. Visually, the show is doing a great job with sweeping establishing shots showing off the sadness and desperation of Annville. As directors both Rogan and Goldberg do a great job in telling a very complex story in a packed 60 minute show. The writer Sam Caitlin did an amazing job and it is worth reading to see how a