

Hello and welcome back to This Sacred Life™ a soulful, sensual, and sacred podcast for women.  I love to share transformational conversations with women who have learned to walk in beauty, with the strength, courage, and pleasure of reclaiming their feminine sovereignty. Women all over the world are rising up to have their voices heard and I invite you to join us in the conversation. Today it' my honor to share another conversation with Pamela Cummins. Pamela Cummins is an expert dream interpreter who loves analyzing her clients' dreams and teaching them how to interpret their own dreams. Her goal is to show her clients how to take the wisdom of their dreams’ messages to enhance their life and accelerate their personal and spiritual growth. This Goddess Shines!  Points covered in this episode: How the pandemic & collective consciousness affects our dreams Pamela's interpretation of Shann's dreams The most common dreams and their meanings What you can expect when you work with Pamela  You’re welc